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Thoughts & Inspiration

Africa has been full of joy ever since I’ve been here. I’ve found a newfound desire to get into the Word again and it’s been great. My fire for him is so fierce and burning steady. Ministry here has been incredible and the kids are my favorite by far. Whether it’s the kids at the park or the kids at the carepoint, I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. Even if it means standing out in the hot sun, it’s all worth it. I think Africa has been my favorite country by far. The way people carry themselves here is like nothing I’ve ever seen before. I love how the kids choose you and want to hangout with you. I’ve met kids with names like Cindy and Tuni and they’re so fun. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for here because it’s gonna be powerful. The amount of unity our team has been walking in is inspiring. We’ve taken the feedback well and have started to love each other. I’ve truly felt comfortable around my people and that I can just be myself.