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God, I pray you would open our eyes to see the unseen and cast our cares on them. Give us a spirit of humility and adoration of the one true God. Convict our hearts and teach us to abide in you and die to ourselves daily. We love you and praise you.

A verse that really resonates with me that talks about conviction is Hebrews 4:12-13 which says “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” 

I think oftentimes we mistake condemnation for conviction when in reality they couldn’t be farther from each other. The Devil is sneaky and if we let him condemn us, it can be easy to feel unworthy of what God has for us. The good news is that God is both a just God and a gentle God. He searches our heart when we surrender it to him and points out our faults so we can in turn grow from them.

”So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.”

Romans 8:1 

”God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him”

John 3:17

Over these last couple weeks I’ve truly been humbled and I’ve had a yearning for more of God like no other. He really does want the best for us and He calls us to give up our comforts daily and look to him instead. With that, as a small group we wrote eulogies as a way to be held accountable to how we want to live as Godly men. Here is mine:

Colton Carroll. 

He was a man truly on fire for God. He walked in obedience daily and inspired others to do the same. His joy radiated and was so evident to others. All he cared about was pleasing God in all he did. He was ready to sacrifice his comforts in order to serve God. He was rooted in the scriptures and was willing to be open about his faith. He started the day with the Lord and finished it with Him as well. He was a prayer warrior. Whatever came into his path, both hardships and praises He praised God for them all. He was a lamp for others and encouraged others daily. He was someone who wasn’t afraid to share the gospel wherever he went. He was a great father and also rooted his children in the Word from the start. He had a fear for God like no other. His confidence and boldness was unmatched. He didn’t take his calling for granted. Last of all, he was sensitive to the Spirit and quick to address whatever was not of God.

Dear God, thanks for being patient with me and cutting me deep so I can become a better version of you. Teach me to abide in you and become more like you daily. In all circumstances you deserve all the praise and glory.




7 responses to “Healthy Conviction”

  1. Wow! It truly makes you think about how we walk things out! Thank you for sharing something so personal. I pray for your journey and that your life will line up with all your desires to serve Him and abide in Him!

  2. Wow Colton, thank you for sharing and being so transparent on your faith journey. I am honored to call you my son but more importantly so proud that you are HIS son and living to glorify God daily. Thank you for letting us walk along this journey with you! Continuing to pray for you, your team, leaders, teachers/mentors.

  3. This is an amazing post! It truly makes me proud as a dad to hear about the journey you are on and the Godly man you are becoming!

  4. It is so fun to read your blogposts and see how God is working in your life. I love your eulogy – it’s a great challenge for all of us. Thank you for your honesty and your encouragement!

  5. You are exactly where God wants you to be. What an inspiration you are to young people today. With so many distractions and temptations in this world its so refreshing to read your heartfelt words – I’m so proud of you.

  6. Love this blog. Love who you want to be (who you are and who you are actively becoming). This is absolutely beautiful!