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Great news! Launch for the World Race starts in 2 weeks! Starting August 27th, we will begin training camp in GA. Here we will do local mission work, get to know our squad, and also be taught by some amazing mentors. I can’t express how grateful I am for everyone who has supported me and will continue to support me throughout my journey. I’m beyond excited to serve selflessly, grow alongside like minded Christ followers and to follow the plan God has for me. I’m so blessed to have raised over $10,437 so far that almost puts me over my October goal! As I prepare to dive into God’s next path for me, I’m asking for prayers for me and my squad, as preparing for a trip like this can be a little stressful! It’s gonna be so worth it though! Lastly, if you’re able to donate it would be greatly appreciated as I have a total of $15,800 to raise in the next few months. Love y’all so much and to God be the glory!

One response to “T-14 days!!”

  1. Colton, so excited for you. My husband, Chris, and I are going to be your team’s coaches for the next 9 months. Congrats on being ahead of your fundraising schedule. We will be at training camp on Thursday morning and definitely look forward to meeting you then!